Our services

Support for children affected by domestic abuse in Sheffield

We’re here to help

Our specialist practitioners are here for your child. All our support is confidential, child-led, safe, and responds to their individual needs. Using a trauma informed approach, we will focus on whatever they feel is important or useful. 

The children and young people we support are at the core of our work. We believe they should have a voice, be heard, and have their views acted upon. We always involve them, including when we develop our services, to ensure we’re offering the best support possible.

Find out how we can support your child

Complete our online form

Email admin@havenorg.uk

Call 0114 213 0590

How we work

During the sessions, we:

  • Help you and your child understand how the things you’ve experienced are impacting your lives.

  • Work on coping strategies and techniques for your child to use in situations they may be finding difficult.

  • Use fun, creative, age appropriate, and safe activities. This may include:
    - Arts
    - Crafts
    - Drawing
    - Movement

“My Haven practitioner really listened to me”

We will always give your child a choice to attend the sessions, and the option to stop at any time.

“I did CandYP and I really enjoyed making the worry dolls”

– Child

“I understand healthy and unhealthy relationships and I am able to talk about my feelings more”

– Young person

Specialist 1-1 support and group programmes

We work with children and young people aged 0-25 years, and their families, who have been affected by domestic abuse. Our support is completely voluntary and free of charge.

We offer a range of different services, including 1-1 and group support. These services are flexible in their delivery and take place over 6-10 sessions. They can be held in school, the family home, a community setting, or online.

We understand it can be difficult to know which of our services is best for your child. So, when you complete our online form, we’ll give you a call back. We’ll then talk through the support you feel you need, and what will benefit your child the most.

1-1 support

These are one-to-one sessions designed around the needs of your child. Your Practitioner will ensure that your child feels comfortable and safe in their sessions. They will also speak with you right at the start to discuss your concerns and what’s working well for your child.


Our CandYP sessions are a safe and supportive space for you and your child. Guided by your Practitioner, you’ll have the opportunity to work together to reflect on and explore your thoughts and feelings around the experiences you’ve been through.

The sessions will give you time together to build on your strengths and help you plan for your future. Our CandYP Programme has specific eligibility criteria. Our practitioner will talk through these when looking at which service is best for you and your child.

Group support

Our group support activities will help your child feel less alone with their feelings and give them an opportunity to connect with others their age who’ve had similar experiences. The activities will encourage your child to express their emotions in safe and healthy ways.

Group sessions are delivered in schools and community venues across the city. We want to ensure that your child can attend a group if they wish. That means we’ll cover travel costs and, if it’s helpful, arrange for a practitioner to meet with them beforehand to answer any questions.

Get started:

Complete our online form, email admin@havenorg.uk or call to leave a message on 0114 213 0590.

We’ll call you back within three days to chat about the best way for us to support your child.